1. Register
Signing up with ForwardBuy.com is FREE. No credit cards required.
- Free membership
- Local shopping assistant
2. Shop & Forward / Tell us what you want to Shop
Now it’s time to shop. Shop from your favourite online stores and use the address we provide during item checkout. Alternatively, you can also create a Assisted Purchase ('Shop-For-Me') request from your forwardbuy.com user dashboard with details of the item(s) you want to shop and we will place the order on your behalf. Complete refund will be issued, if item unavailable/out-of-stock.
Just relax and enjoy shopping more while your items are getting delivered to our warehouse.
Notify: We will notify you via email once we receive your packages.
- Secured Warehouse
- Order Status Tracking

3. Consolidate, Pay & Ship
ForwardBuy.com helps you to consolidate your packages within 30 days for FREE, i.e. if you have done shopping with multiple online retailers, you can consolidate the parcels into one or multiple packages before you make payment. By consolidating, you can save on shipping and service cost. We also provide value added services like re-pack, item photos etc..,
In case, if any of your packages are of odd-size, we will try to suggest you the best way to consolidate and enjoy the savings. You can use our “Price Calculator” to estimate your shipment cost*.
Once the packages are consolidated, review your items, declare customs and proceed to payment by selecting the most suited shipment service of your choice.
- 30 days FREE storage
- FREE package re-pack
- Package photos
- Varied range of shipment options
4. Receive Package
Depending on the method of shipment and delivery options, your package will be sent out and will reach you swiftly.
Receive your items at your global location. Yes, wherever you are. The items are safely packed by ForwardBuy.com and
tracked online from the moment it is shipped out of our warehouse to your global destination
Visit us again and again and shop more items from Singapore, India, Canada & USA with ease.
- Delivery to Doorstep
- 100% Safe Packaging
- Integrated Tracking
- Upto 70% savings on shipment cost